When working with clients, we often recommend supplements to complement your way of eating and living. However, we believe strongly that quality matters when it comes to supplements. Unlike drugs, dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA and are only removed from the market when they are shown to cause harm.
One perk of becoming one of our clients is having access to professional-grade supplements at a discounted rate. But the more important perk is knowing which supplements to take, as well as the dosage and timing, without putting your health at risk.
Access your personal recommendations or just explore our favorite professional-grade supplement dispensaries through these links.
Log in to find your personalized recommendations from Katherine and Jordan. Feel free to explore for additional products too.
ION Biome
Use code "KatherineTravel" for a free travel size container with purchase of 32oz supply bottle of their Gut Support product.
Use code "KANutrition" at checkout for 15% off any MitoLife products. Our favorites are their Oyster Capsules & PUFA Protect.
Use code "KANutrition" for 10% off any of Bumbleroot’s all natural electrolyte solutions. We recommend pineapple!
Use coupon code “Andrew10” for 10% off my favorite hydroxyapatite toothpaste.
Be Well
Use code “KATHERINE” for $5 off of Be Well’s grass fed beef or plant based protein powder.
Redmond Real Salt
Use code “Katherine” for 15% off your first order of Redmond pure, unprocessed, trace-mineral-packed sea salt.
Wild Pastures
Use the link below for 20% off and free shipping on Wild Pastures grass fed, pasture-raised meat.
Seed Probiotics
Use code “Katherine20” for 20% off your first order of the best soil-based, combined pre and probiotic on the market.
Use code "FirstTime" for 10% off your first order of anything from Earthley including our favorite, their Oyster-min capsules.
Use code “katherineandrewnutrition” for 10% off any of Natreve’s vegan, whey, or animal-free whey protein powders.
Wonderbelly antacids are our favorite because of their short list of only clean ingredients.
Use the link below for 15% off Paleovalley products. Our favorites are the bone broth protein powder, essential C complex, pasture-raised turkey sticks, and grass-fed beef sticks.
Kevin’s Natural Foods
Use code “Katherine10” for 10% off any of Kevin’s entree kits.
Perfect Supplements
Use "Katherine10" for 10% off any product from Perfect, including our favorite, their desiccated grass-fed beef liver capsules.
Levels Health
Get exclusive insider access to the best Continuous Glucose Monitor on the market, then work with us to interpret your personalized data.
Use code "Katherine" for 20% off your first order or first 3-month subscription.
Bad Athletics
Use code KATHERINE for 10% off any Bad Athletics grass-fed whey protein powders.
Just Ingredients
Use code “Katherine” for 10% off of any Just Ingredients Products. We love that they have many flavors of protein powder!