Sex Hormone & Adrenal Testing
Do you think stress or hormones might be impacting your health? Are you having trouble getting pregnant despite labs coming back “normal?” Are you wondering why you no longer have a regular period or experience terrible PMS? Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you have mood swings, anxiety or depression? Are you struggling to understand symptoms or have concerns about your hormones? Taking the DUTCH test might be the key to understanding your health.
The DUTCH (Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones) test is the most advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included, along with melatonin (6OHMS), 8-OHdG and six organic acids. Samples are easily collected in the comfort of your own home and then sent to the lab.
The results from your DUTCH testing will give us insight into the root of problems with sleep, energy, nutrient status, and much more. After receiving results we will work together to determine the best types of foods for you to focus on, create a healthy lifestyle plan that will improve your results, and if necessary, determine which supplements to include in your daily routine. Prices include report with results, review and recommendations from DUTCH staff, and personalized supplement recommendations.
Infinite Allergy Testing
It is important to get tested for food sensitivities to know what foods work for your body and what foods don’t. If you are only looking at allergies, or IgE, then you would miss the IgG mediated symptoms, creating an incomplete picture. Infinite Labs offers serum allergy & sensitivity testing for food and environmental allergens. Serum allergy testing is less invasive than skin pricking, and allows you to test multiple allergens with only 1 blood sample.
IgE (immunoglobulin E) allergies are the immediate responses to a foreign substance that has entered the body via food or inhalation. Infinite Labs measures the blood level of IgE, one of the five subclasses of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system that attack antigens such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens.
IgG (immunoglobulin G, total) are antibodies that provide long-term resistance to infections and have a much longer half-life than an IgE allergy. This food sensitivity can be more subtle, and many people live with it for years, if not their entire lives. IgG symptoms typically occur within 3-72 hours after the offending food was ingested and they will create ongoing inflammation that can make most conditions worse. Because they can present at such varied times, it is hard to isolate from a diet history alone, and testing becomes particularly useful.
Infinite Allergy Labs offers an extensive Environmental Allergy Panel to 88 common allergens. This panel includes the 88 Antigen IgE Food with potential and 88 Antigen IgG with complement (C3d/C3b).
GI Map Gut Testing
Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is pleased to offer you the GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP). The GI-MAP includes the first comprehensive pathogens assay that is FDA approved, the GPP assay by Luminex Corp. The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasites and another first for the market, viruses!
Using the same molecular technology, we have developed assays for microbes that are useful for integrative and function medicine practitioners. And unlike previous PCR assays, we have fully validated each target organism in our panel, so that you can have confidence in the results. The panel includes opportunistic organisms, normal flora, parasites, and fungi. DNA/PCR techniques also allow for the measurement of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors that contribute to pathogenicity. Both are used to help determine clinical significance and the most effective treatments.
Other available stool tests may appear to be DNA-based tests, but they are in fact using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) only to identify stool microbes. Their methodology relies on cultures from stool and are not molecular/PCR based assays. With a culture based test it is not possible to measure strict anaerobes, viruses or virulence factors. They also lack the ability to deliver true quantitation of any of the reported organisms.
HTMA Testing
Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair.
A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development. In some cases, human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying exposure to some trace elements.
Trace minerals, such as iron, copper, and zinc, are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process. There are a variety of elements that can cause a mineral imbalance, including diet, stress, medications, pollution, supplements, and inherited patterns. It is extremely rare that a mineral disturbance develops without a corresponding disturbance in the synergistic vitamin(s). It is also rare for a disturbance in the utilization or activity of a vitamin to occur without affecting a synergistic mineral(s). Therefore, evaluating mineral status provides good clues of vitamin status and requirements.
Trace Elements has created a unique system of interpreting hair mineral analysis results. Each test report will provide us with the most complete and comprehensive evaluation and discussion of significant mineral levels, ratios and toxic metals as tested in the hair. Included is a listing of individual foods and food groups, as well as supplements that I can recommend to eat or avoid in accordance with food allergy indicators and individualized metabolic requirements.
We are registered dietitians with a myriad of tools we use to help you optimize your health and feel better. The above are examples of a few of the great tests that we might use in our work with you. Let’s get started.