“Katherine’s advice has been invaluable to the improvement in my health and well-being over the past year. By taking the time to understand my story and using her expertise to delve into the root cause of my symptoms, I am no longer experiencing gut issues and fatigue that I’ve battled for over ten years. Her guidance extends beyond conventional nutritional advice. She coaches me through strategies and lifestyle changes that I can apply in my daily life. I learn something new at each session, and working together with Katherine has been an incredibly rewarding process.”
— Leslie
“I have been seeing Katherine regularly for four years, and to say she has impacted my life and health for the better is a huge understatement. She has addressed my health needs in unique and natural ways that I was not even sure were possible. We’ve addressed targeted supplementing, hormone balance, diet, exercise, fertility, gestational diabetes, baby-led weaning, and gut health to name a few. She’s completely changed my views on what it means to be “healthy” and has given me freedom from the pressures (and lies, quite frankly) of the dieting community. She has also helped me develop a positive relationship with food and helped me to see what and why MY body needs what it needs, and allows me to still enjoy life and never feel restrained. Seeing Katherine will undoubtedly impact your life and wellness for the better. She’s realistic, relatable, non-judgmental, and best of all, she’s holistic in her approach. If you’re thinking about booking an appointment, don’t hesitate. You’ll be glad you did.”
— Danielle Jordan
“ Katherine has been pivotal in my healing journey after having my daughter 16 months ago. She has helped me in understanding and listening to my body, healing my hormones and nervous system, and restoring my relationship with my body. I recommend Katherine to anyone needing nutrition, hormone or metabolism healing.”
— Leigh
“Before meeting with Katherine, I had tried every kind of fad diet, no carbs, vegan, Paleo, Whole 30, counting calories, counting points, you name, I tried it. I was just about at the end of giving up on ever finding peace with food and with my body when I met with Katherine. Through our sessions, she helped me to see that nutrition is straightforward and not as complicated as the media would have you believe. She has helped me arrive at a very balanced perspective on both food and my body. I have been able to enjoy what I am eating, and for the first time in my life, I have found freedom in my relationship with food.”
— Tracy Vazquez
“What started as a passing lighthearted inquiry evolved into a much-needed update of my daily intake. I had no idea how much food and nutrient balance correlated to my compulsions, energy, and athletic recovery. By drilling down on important variables in my life, Katherine was able to design-build an intake plan that is understandable and physiologically transformative. My meetings with her are engaging, reflective, and fun. Moreover, I always leave with a clear path to improvement. Change can be overwhelming. Katherine confidently broke down the magnanimity of change into small achievable steps.”
— John Koonce, Senior Vice President, York Properties Retail Services
“Katherine is a great partner to have in your health and self care corner. Her knowledge goes far beyond food into hormones, sleep, stress and more. Her approach isn’t cookie cutter or black and white - it’s personalized for everyone and she’s also realistic that everyone won’t be, and shouldn’t be, eating and doing everything perfectly 100% of the time! I’m grateful to have found her.”
— Beth Berg
“Working with Katherine has allowed me uncover and untangle my relationship with food. I am more balanced with my food choices and overall nutrition.”
— Beth Kind
“I’ve worked with Katherine for several years now and can confidently recommend her. She has an impressive skill set as well as many resources in her toolkit. Her holistic approach and practical strategies have been most helpful. I always come away from our meetings with new information and feeling energized to continue the journey.”
— Cathy Stipe
“I began working with Katherine to try and determine the underlying cause of a pretty significant skin condition. I was not having any luck with treatments from other physicians, which left me feeling very discouraged. However, after just one meeting, I left feeling so encouraged and optimistic that we would be able to find a solution together. It wasn’t an easy road, but Katherine was there for me every step of the way. I have not worked with another health care professional who is as attentive, compassionate, detailed, and thoughtful as is Katherine. She not only helped me figure out food triggers for my skin but, along the way, has opened my eyes to what wellness truly should be. I have three young children, and Katherine has also provided invaluable tips for giving them the tools they need to have a healthy relationship with food. Katherine’s approach to nutrition is so comprehensive, and she goes above and beyond for her clients. I am incredibly grateful for her countless hours of support and encouragement and can not recommend her highly enough. ”
— Sara Moore
“Katherine’s guidance has had a hugely positive impact on my health, energy levels, and overall wellness since we began our sessions. Not only did she help identify and address previously undiagnosed hormone imbalances, she has helped me build a mostly vegetarian diet that leaves me nourished and satisfied—but never bored! Her enthusiastic and informed approach to creating a healthy, enjoyable, and balanced diet has been refreshing and life-changing. Thank you!”