Know your stressors: Inflammatory Signaling

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Next in my series is the 4th category of triggers: Inflammatory signaling. Remember ⚡️, the goals of this series are to help you to KNOW your stressors, ADDRESS what you can, and become more RESILIENT to the rest. The goal is NOT to overwhelm you but to help equip you. ⁠

Inflammation is a huge trigger, but one of the hardest to identify. By the time you start experiencing symptoms, inflammation could have been brewing for years. ⁠

First ⭐️, It’s important to remember that inflammation is not always bad! Inflammation is actually one of your body’s ways of protecting itself. But, chronic inflammation, especially when left untreated, can put incredible strain on the body. When inflammation is allowed to go unchecked, it can damage the body by creating too many pro-inflammatory cells, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukins (ILs), nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), prostaglandins, and free radicals. The chronic release of these proinflammatory molecules stimulates the HPA axis and signals a stress reaction. ⁠

There are SO many things that could be causing inflammation for you. But, today I will list a few things that I often see contributing to chronic inflammation so that you can take audit of what might be affecting you: ⁠
💥Poor Nutrient intake - from a lack of whole, real foods as well as under fueling ⁠
💥Consumption of Inflammatory Oils - canola, soybean, corn, safflower, and margarine⁠
💥Mineral Deficiencies - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium & more ⁠
💥Heavy metals - chronic exposure without proper detox from mercury, lead, arsenic, & more (found in foods, medicine, water, and industrial environments) ⁠
💥Environmental Toxins & Mold - PCBs, PFAs, Glyphosate, VOCs, Phthalates, and more (found in cosmetic products, pesticides, foods, plastics and other household products) ⁠
💥Poor Gut Health - including microbiome imbalances, dysbiosis, & infections ⁠
💥Food intolerances & sensitivities ⁠
💥Perceived and Emotional Stress & Trauma ⁠
💥Circadian Disruption ⁠
💥Hormone Imbalances ⁠
💥Excessive exercise, Tissue & Joint damage⁠

Any that might be affecting you?! Stay tuned tomorrow for tips on how to minimize inflammation.