Fiber 2.0

Hopefully after our previous fiber post, you now know that fiber doesn't just come from cereal and Metamucil. But, did you know there are different types of fiber? And, the often-overlooked-superstar (in our opinion) isn't what's found in broccoli and brussels sprouts.

So often our clients come to us after hearing fiber was good for them, and subsequently doubling down on their greens and veggies, only to get constipated or more bloated. Increasing fiber is a delicate game! But even more importantly, we want you to focus on ALL types of fiber, not just the roughage.

In fact, we are BIG FANS of soluble fiber for it's ability to help regulate cholesterol, feed beneficial bacteria, improve the gut microbiome and motility, and support balanced blood sugar. What's more, many times we work with clients who aren't getting enough of this type of fiber because of carb restriction.

Check out more below and let us know in the comments your favorite way to get soluble fiber!

Soluble Fiber:

  1. Dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance in your gut.

  2. Helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion.

  3. Aids in lowering LDL cholesterol, keeping your heart happy.

  4. Found in starchy root veggies, oats, ground flaxseed, asparagus, artichoke, okra, fruits, and legumes.

Insoluble Fiber:

  1. Doesn't dissolve in water, adding bulk to your stool.

  2. Keeps things moving smoothly through your digestive system.

  3. Supports gut health by preventing constipation.

  4. Found in leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cucumber, celery, nuts & seeds, fruits with skin, and grains